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Movie reviews - August 2018

6 minute read

I’ve heard there’re people waiting for me to write more reviews, so I guess I better get moving.

Movie Reviews - July 2018

3 minute read

Yet another installment of movie reviews from my list on IMDB. Moving closer to current, but still almost a year back. Here’s the post where I explain how I ...

Talent Multiplier

1 minute read

In a 1x1 with my manager the other day we discussed an interesting topic, which I don’t think either of us had fully recognized in this way before.

Movie Reviews - April 2018

4 minute read

Next chunk of movie reviews from my list on IMDB, still working on a fairly large backlog. Here’s the post where I explain how I rate movies.

Managing Email

3 minute read

Over almost 30 years using email at work I’ve gathered a few habits to ensure that I see email as it comes in, reply quickly, and can find messages later. In...

Books - April 2018

3 minute read

As mentioned in my earlier post about starting to blog book reviews… here are some book reviews! See all the notes in that previous post about how I’m doing ...

New - Book Reviews

1 minute read

As mentioned in my earlier post about social media I’ve deleted my Goodreads account, so I’m going to start doing some quick blog posts here about any books ...

Podcasts 2018

1 minute read

I’ve recently dumped a bunch of podcasts I used to listen to - some because they were daily radio shows I could never keep up with but for some reason felt o...

Working remote

3 minute read

I’ve been working entirely from home (and sometimes the cottage) for about three years now, and part-time from home for a while before that. I’m thankful tha...

Movie reviews - March 2018

3 minute read

Here’s the next chunk from my IMDB ratings. It’s been over a year since my last set of reviews, so none of these are particularly new, but here goes anyway.